We are a
Matthew 25 congregation
of the PC(USA).

This means we are growing as disciples of Christ through committing to:
Building Congregational Vitality
Dismantling Structural Racism
Eradicating Systemic Poverty

We live this out by:

  • - Structuring our Session in a way that supports our vitality and uses the Scripture passage of Matthew 25 and its resources as our benchmark and rubric for making decisions

  • - Committing ourselves to dismantling structural racism by having difficult but holy conversations about our complicity in racism and our hope for reconciliation. We practice this most acutely through the work and projects of Savannah Presbytery’s Racial Justice Ministry Team.

  • - Serving in multiple outreach ministries in our county to help aid in the increasing need for assistance. Additionally, we work alongside our civic partners to bring to bear more sustainable pathways to eradication of poverty.